Saturday, September 19, 2015

Assignment 2

This is a brief introduction for career week. There will be a youtube link down there at the end, so please be patient for this long chunk of essay :p

Deciding my future career path and tertiary study I need to get there are big decisions! A special thank you to the DVM 2's for organizing the career week for us.

Career Week is great preparation for what we actually do at FPV, we learned from people who have years of industry experience. It was a fantastic week, fun the entire time listening to experienced speakers sharing their experiences with us.

First and foremost, we have Dr. Paul Chelliah Suppiah which is the president of Veterinary Association Malaysia having 30 years of clinical experience. He introduced us the 4 pillars of veterinary profession which is the Veterinary Statutory Body, Veterinary Authority, Veterinary Education and Veterinary Fraternity. The core business of Veterinary Association Malaysia is to promote veterinary profession, have continuous professional develpoment, strengthening the  professional relationship with National and International Bodies and not forgetting to take care of their member's welfare.

The second speaker is Dr. Ardhy bin Adnan from Department of Veterinary Sciences Malaysia (DVS). Vision : A competent veterinary authority serving the animal industry for the sake of human welfare; Mision : Provide quality veterinary services as an assurance for public health and sustainable livestock industry for the sake of human welfare. Their objective is to strengthen and mantain animal health status conducive to the animal industry, giving public health assurance through the control of zoonotic diseases and wholesome food production from animal based producs, encourage sustainable livestock production and value added industry, explore the use of technology and optimum use of sources in animal based industry and to promote animal welfare practises.

The speaker coming up next is Dr. Bahsharudin Mohd Sharif which is into veterinary researching. He graduated from UPM in 1995. He mentioned that it is not an easy job to be a veterinarian as we need to have a lot of knowledge in order for us to be able to carry out our responsibilities. We are lucky enough to secure a place in UPM since there are still thousands of people outside who doesn’t have a chance to enter this course. According to Dr. Bahsharudin, in order to sustain in this field, we need to have time, patient, passion and discipline. It is okay for not having much experience but having a good mentor is important. He also said that “what comes easy wont last long, what last long wont come easy” which I learned a lot from him.

Dr. Melissa Phoon is a specialist in small animals. She became a clinician in private clinic and now working as a certified veterinarian under Royal Canin. She have great passion for animals. She told us that becoming a clinic vet is a tough job where you will need to multitask, catch animal’s urine, help animals to trim their nails, deal with fierce animals or unreasonable owners. When she is working in Royal Canin, it is a quite different aspect because she will have to stay in the office and manage the company’s profit. Sometimes there will be events held and she will get to interact with animals and their owners.

We also have Dr Yew Ee Ling as our speaker during career week. Dr Yew worked as a Technical & Regulatory Veterinarian at Agritech Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. For now, she is the Technical & Sales Executive of Zoetis Malaysia. She introduced to us lots of company such as Bayer, Merial, Virbac, Hipra, MSD and etc so that those who are interested in these market will know where to go upon their graduation. She gives technical advise to companion animal vets, involve in marketing activities and assist in managing product launching. She also told us to “thank a farmer for your next meal”.

Dr Eve Foong is currently working as a wildlife veterinarian in Sunway Lagoon. There are many challenges that a wildlife vet will need to face which is the great diversity in animals, limited studies on a specific animal, limited record on animal health condition, unclear management direction, staffing, inconsiderate customers, physically and emotionally stress and you will get bites and scratches. Her daily routine is checking on warded animals, husbandry, observing animals, updating records, attend to treatment or other problems and planning. She also emphasized that there are much improvements can be done such as the medical facilities and animal welfare. Both profit and animal welfare need to attain a balance in order for her to survive in the field.

Well, we also have Dr. Chua Chee Heng, a Techno-Commercial manager. He took up the vet course in UPM and later on worked for a small animal company which he found out that he don’t like to work as a veterinarian. He thought of being a radiologist after going to UK but he ended up working as a human resource manager. He switched his job to become a counseller and he love this job very much. In order to success in life, he told us to set a target that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound.

Besides, we have Prof. Dato’ Dr. Muhamed Sharrif Mohamed Din, which field of expertise is aquatic medicine and he have research interest in fish and shrimp disease. He got his Doctor of Philosophy degree and master of science in University of Stirling, Scotland, and in 1975, he took his veterinary course in University of Agriculture, Faizalabad. He went to a lot of countries to give talks and teach students from all over the world. He is a very inspiring speaker and he won a lot of awards. “No dream is too big, the sky is the limit”, he wants us to be brave so that we can live up to our dreams.

Lastly, we have Dr. Rebecca Tan as an Equine veterinarian. It is an extremely difficult job to become an equine vet because when you work in that industry, customer will prefer to listen to foreign equine vet rather than a Malaysian equine vet no matter how good are you. They prefer to pay more to seek advise from foreigners. She aslo told us her stories when she is in DVM, she often sneak out to the equine hospital to give them food, take care of them and of course she wants more hands on experience on the things she likes. She worked very hard and she tried her very best to read up about horses since the knowledge in our syllabus about horses are limited. I look up on her attitute because I can feel her passion towards equine. Now, she is doing confidently pursuing her dream.

So, this is basically what every speaker will tell us....

What the public think you are doing
What you are actually doing

Thanks for watching ! :D

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

有些人心情好  就写了
我这人呢  应该是属于『平时很想写』但是都 『没心情写』
一个不小心 『一时兴起』 就开始噼里啪啦
是有很多小感动要写  键盘一到手就忘记了......

基本上生活就这样  年终大考完毕  掰掰学院生涯
kepala batas掰掰  matriculation掰掰  回家
当然都很舍不得大家  独立的宿舍生活  想做啥就做啥
只是考试压力很大  成天就是读书读书读书  还有那个饭桶真会享受
平时我都不怎么吃完饭  随便热个泡面就完事  
他天天晚餐都要吃  害我省钱计划泡汤  每天大吃大喝

还有一件值得纪念的  考试最后一天  也是要回乡的那天
男人叫我闭上眼睛  开眼睛之后给了我一封笨蛋情信
破天荒了  那没有艺术天分的家伙画东西  手绘情信耶
收拾东西过后  回家之前  

回来  酒店5星级床铺包冷气  尽情享受  很是自在
有一段时期非常忙  政府大学面试通知一起涌来
起初接到 UM 和 USM 
 UM 是paper test  USM 是面试 
两个撞在一天  就自然选择了UM  不能换时间的说
政府就偏偏要把医科学生面试通知放在一起  让我们选择一个  牺牲别的

接下来的UM paper test 过后  UM 面试和 UKM 面试也撞在一起了
打了好多次电话给每个大学  无法换时间
过后还好勉强换得成  和朋友替换时间  一天赶两场interview  
总算熬过了这样的日子  每天在更新自己医学资讯  我的天
那时候就感觉自己的生活好充实  新知识无时无刻涌进来



rugby 哦~


以上是照片  都是学院课程接近尾声捕抓  有好朋友  好同学
我们计划了去langkawi当作是毕业旅行团  嘻嘻嘻

好懒  发觉自己不是写文的状态  来让我草草收场吧
之后也经历了好多事  希望我们可以一起度过


Monday, February 23, 2015

SPM 之后全部人都上了college  看见很多朋友都在推荐这本书 
自己太忙啊  看了盗墓笔记之后就没有一本能够真正打动我的书

好书的定义是什么?可以让我爱不释手 三更半夜都看得心惊胆跳的
目前为止看着『长相思 3』  看了最美的时光  
心痛的感觉也真少不了  怪痛苦的  真是极品.  
长相思让我看得痛不欲生  这一本融合了古代韵味的爱情小说
是我看过那么多爱情小说中  最高雅又不失风格的  佩服佩服.

说起最美的时光的结局  真是人神共愤 
他其实可以在前面就坦白了! 为什么不说!
我不忍心  真的不忍心看见  整个故事里付出了最多的人  到最后得不到自己爱的人
是他咎由自取  早早不说清楚  可是说了之后  她会爱他吗?

自己仔细琢磨  就把这些东西藏在心里了.
好的我会努力抽空在百忙中看完心中的结『长相思』 也同时努力学习......

老弟从新加坡回来  睡了一整天  晚上11时到第二天下午6时
那个疯子  累着了就只会睡觉  噗

回到怡保的巴士站等候  才知道原来取消了去金宝吃团圆饭...
是......有一点点沮丧  毕竟我从乡村学院回来大城市  
如果在家里吃一定吃不成  老妈子戒口  很多东西都不能吃  

上了车子  平时都是一家人来迎接我  这一次老妈子不在  得知她在煮饭
那老家伙  过年过节两个孩子回来团聚  都乐得不可开交了  
老爸说这女人晚上兴奋得睡不着了  嘻嘻嘻.
上车立刻问老爸  今晚有没有烧肉吃  老妈竟然也买了
一整个高兴起来了  与其回金宝看别人脸色  

啦啦啦  年三十晚回来嗓子还被毁了  还以为这次新年没得暴饮暴食

星期三是团圆夜  学校×恩准×华人提早回去 
没得早回家  眼看朋友们个个申请了假期回家了 

上了课  有一节休息时间  就去宿舍收拾行李方便待会儿可以不用赶
半途中收到他的信息  他看我下课后就不见了人影  以为我没道别就要走了
那是我正急着  就先不回复了

到了房里收拾东西  忽然他打电话过来  问我宿舍在哪儿  
他正赶着过来  我心想他一定是要来说再见的  可是也太突然了吧!
我待会儿也有上课  是他误会我现在就要走了吧

在电话里囔着要他回去他不肯  我的宿舍离lecture hall很远  
他竟然跑来了 要我下来.
一个时间都不知道他葫芦里卖的是什么药  一下到去热死了
我叫他回去他不回  说要等我收拾好行李之后  一起走回去
幼不过他  只好把他强行拖到树荫底下  自己赶快上去收拾行李下来

下来之后我们一起走  他叫我走慢一些  想和我谈天
我脑子里已在干骂了  怎么不走快点  我都快被烤焦了的说......
谈了一些无关痛痒的事  他开始有点不自在了  说有话要和我说
说不出口  叫我拿起我的电话  他信息我,
他用华语拼音打了个 wo ai ni   我当场傻掉  是的傻掉

几秒钟缓了过来  气氛变得好诡异了  我什么也没说想要装糊涂
他说了很多我不清楚了 他只是说想告诉我  因为他藏在心里很久了
想要知道我的感觉如何,  我承认他对我很好  有时候我会被他的关怀打动
他......太太善良  太容易被欺负.  

在还没遇见我之前他从来都不碰电话  那天我因为有事 对朋友说我通知他了
她们脸上竟然浮现问号  惊讶地露出『他怎么会联络你』的那种表情
而那时候我隐约感觉了一些  却当作什么也没发生  我不想有任何额外的情感。

他很好  很上进  很努力  曾经一度觉得这样的男人真好
可是那种感情  虽然我没体验过被爱  只爱过

我知道  爱一个人很痛苦
爱着  得不到
 如果一个你真正爱的人对你说爱你  你会欣喜若狂.

而我对他  不是这一种感情. 

我不清楚我是不是喜欢另一个他  最近我和他来往甚密
别人都误会了  我对他说不是  叫他别胡思乱想  我最关注的是学业
没有时间来搭理爱情  所以我装作一副漫不经心的样子

他一脸平静  我却觉得他正在用力抵着我刺向他的一剑  好像很痛  
我对他说我们在这里只剩下两个月光阴  我不想带走任何珍贵的回忆
那是何等痛苦  面对离别  我们都无处可逃.

他说他明白  我说我很感激他那么关心他
我不知道自己除了能说一些安慰他的话  还能做什么
他老实交代  信息我的时候他忐忑不安  没办法专注
而我叫他以平常心对待  请他不要因为我而分心  我不值得的.
终于  我们平安地到了目的地.

过后撞见了闺蜜  她被这消息吓死了  说我彻底把一个人给伤了
在心里  我很不是滋味  可是心中都被要回家的情绪错综复杂地交替着

我在这里的每一天  毫无掩饰地做着真正的我自己  也很震惊
可以有人着实喜欢着那么放荡不羁  粗鲁又不文雅的 『我自己』
没想到我这一种女孩  也会被人喜欢

这次回来  没有好好认真地整理思绪  只是觉得我辜负了他
但是毕竟我  不爱他  所以如果能说得清清楚楚  我想对彼此都是个解脱

姐姐祝福你啊  你以后  一定会遇见一个你很喜欢的人
别老是说自己不帅  你是个很清秀的男孩儿  要对自己有信心  知道吗?

此时此刻是深夜  初四回到了college  一个人马不停蹄在敲打键盘

想起年三十晚在家里吃饭过后  休息了一下  一家人去三姨家接财神
看着别家放鞭炮  自己也和那两个可爱的小家伙玩起烟火
看综艺节目  倒数年初一  
今年新年不同往年了  不愿意拼死初一初二初三去大餐馆做店小二
放弃了double pay  想和家人在一起

这一次回来老爸变温和了许多  以他倔强的臭脾气
肯事事迁就老妈  让我少了一份担忧
唯独是那个老弟  外人眼中看似多才多艺  十全十美
可是这小子啊我最了解  爱是爱老妈  却时常因一时之气闹脾气
总想证明自己一定是对的  自己才是高高在上的
往往伤了父母心  自己却认为父母伤了他的心.

自尊心  他拚死要维护
体贴  他没有
孝顺  『怎么我只看到老爸老妈在孝顺他  他自己在一旁不屑一顾的样子』

真的希望他到远处去读书  即使在比家里更好的环境还能想一想家的好  
学会独立思考  领悟自己的过错  改掉臭脾气
 就像接触了外界  自己逼自己成长的我
当他慢慢接受了  一定会觉得以前的自己幼稚到不行了吧?
Hope so :)

年初一老样子  回金宝曾祖父的脚车工厂  迎接舞狮的洗礼  除旧岁
下午晚上都去吃斋  原本要去看电影  
排了队那伙计又说老弟不够岁不能买票  就只好作罢
晚上去吃宵夜~ pizza hut 的 deli wings啊啊啊
梦寐以求了几年的鸡翼啊~太幸福了  全家都穿得红彤彤的 

第二天回老妈娘家  半夜去干爹家  还特地写了春联给干爹干妈家
毕竟一年没写了  写到这样算不错了吧?  
干爹用新到货的咖啡机给我在半夜泡咖啡  还说喝了咖啡之后要不要ice lemon tea

老样子啊  总喜欢逼我吃好吃的
我一时兴起说要唱k  他就开了麦克风  安静地听我唱歌
红酒  肉干  很名贵的雪糕haagen daaz『我知道我一定spell 错了』
什么法宝都拿出来逼我吃  一面唱歌一面吃  我和老弟啊都被逼惨了

每一次回干爹干娘家  都会感觉到异常的温暖  我爱他们
自己像是被握在掌心里  可以依赖可以撒娇
他们也是我的家人  有他们真好

初三去各别去拜访了蒙老师和刘老师  又与在外国的两位同学facetime
我们依然像当年一样谈笑风生  只不过我们都放下了师生的身段
当年的稚气还保留  只不过稚气里多了一份成熟.
两位我们最敬爱的华文补习老师  新年快乐 :D

血脉相连的家人也好  没有血脉相连的家人也好
好知己也好  不知不觉地变得很开心  可以无端端就笑了起来
就一些小小的事情  嘴角都是翘翘的  有时候想起他们对我的好
生活中有什么苦痛也值了  他们一直都在.

什么都可以没有  但感恩的心不可无 
感恩自己拥有的一切  并对自己好  也对对你好的别人好

不求轰轰烈烈  只求身边的每一位开开心心  圆圆满满.

明天学校生活就开始咯, 掰。